Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Soooo. I have these two incredible cousins named Boo and Bean...
And a gorgeous Aunt Tammy. *Who is also a genius!*
Unfortunately, she was the one taking the pictures and not looking like a drown rat like we did (although I have to say, the girls always looked ADORABLE!), and is not in any of these pictures...
 We had the BEST time playing together. We screamed and shirked.
 Laughed and laughed and made each other laugh and laugh. And we screamed a bit more.
 Practiced being fountains. Really, these girls could be fountains and do spit takes for a living. I was impressed.
 TOGETHER even. =) These two make me smile. They are so incredible to me. They defend me, care about how I feel, play with my kiddos. We enjoy the little things together. And when I say little things... I mean the little things.
 We arm wrestled. Talked about having babies. Ate tuna something. Played "ball."
 Did I mention that we screamed a lot!?
 And they got me. They got me... GOOOOOOOD. =) I mean, "Why not?!"
Lys... Bean... No Maggie... 
Laughing and cuddling with my Aunt Tammy... 
Our awesome Josh Man came over after work and we laughed all over again looking at these pictures and the funny things Lys was reading to us. 
Talk about a GOOD NIGHT!
 I. LOOK. HAPPY. oh, boy, was I happy!!
 And remember to laugh. And laugh. and LAUGH.
Live. Laugh. LOVE!!!!
It was so good to be goofy and not think about anything for awhile. To spend time with dear friends who mean more than the world to me. It's such a blessing to have friends, family, the CHURCH! To know that even when there are bumps in the road... maybe even deeeeeep, deeeeeeeeep gullies, that everything will always be ok in the end. That together we are strong enough to handle anything, and knowing that God never gives us more than we can handle.

This night, these crazy-awesome girls, my funny and beautiful aunt, the incredible JoshMan, are such blessings. 

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