Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Suprise, GA~ I'm in town!! :)

Sooooo. I'm just drivin' along... and suddenly GA pops out of no where. So, I decided, since I was there anyway, to run over to see my family... :)) ha ha. 

Real story. Darren and the kiddos were headed outta town for a bit. So I hopped in my new red car and drove home by way of the Graves'. Wherever they are is my 2nd home. I love to walk back into their home, feel their hugs, see their smiles, and just be together. Something things just don't change. I love that. After a wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too short visit with them, I headed towards GA~ and stopped to have an awesome lunch with my grandparents in TN who found out I was gonna be at their exit in 30 minutes and dropped everything to come see me. They are so awesome. 

So. I arrived at home on Friday night... ready to ring the doorbell and be welcomed with shocked looks I was sure, because, I'd not told a single McAfee living in GA that I was coming... BUT! The doorbell doesn't work anymore... So. Next best thing... maybe BEST thing... I still have my house key. I just walked right in... and ohhhh, you should have seen their faces! It was PRICELESS!!

Aislinn Ruth is now 6... Sweet little bitty baby that she was... now ohhh so big. So smart. So silly. So knows how to get her way... wow. I can't wait to see who she is as an adult. 
I love her!!!

Renee. Oh. My pretty Renee. It was so incredible to get to go home to GA and see her. It was making my head spin to see my family, Lance and Renee, me! All of us at Duluth together. Awesome to see them talking to people I have known my whole life. Great to catch up with them about people back in MO, where we first shared home together. We talked so much. It was totally wonderful. It was super hard for me to walk away from them on the last night. I sure do love them!!!

I know that no place is perfect. No person is perfect. There is not a perfect family. 
But. Wow. Being back in GA. With my family. On vacation, but at home. It felt so great!

I got to see the lovely little bride!!! My sweet cousin, Julia, got married since I was home last. It was so neat to see her again. She has always had a special place in my life. I love this woman. <3

We drove a total of 3 hours to spend 3 hours with Alyssa. It. was. awesome. She is so cool. She is just so happy. A wonderful wife, a fantastic Christian. I'm so pleased to call her my sister. Just look at how pretty my sisters and Mommy are! My Mommy is the one of the far right. I know, it's hard to tell. :)

Even though we live in 3 states now instead of under one roof, nothing can separate us.

Together again!!! :)))

Christina and Victoria are so much fun to be around. It was good to just to hear them laughing and talking. And did I mention laughing? During my time at home I was able to see a whole bunch of friends. Almost all of the dear families that I used to work for. It was awesome to see how much the kiddos have grown and see new things they're into and the skills they are developing. I'm so proud of all of them. <3

Surprising Grandma was almost as great as surprising Moma and Daddy. I almost called her mom than once to tell her that I was coming. But. :) No. I decided to call her from Moma's phone instead. That was cool. =D My family was amazing to help me get a whole lot of work for VBS done!! It was fun to be together and to work.

I am more thankful for the Staff of TFTW than I can express with words. The blessings that they each are to the Lord's Kingdom cannot be named. They worked super hard this week, but that's not saying anything, they always do. :) They are in this for the prize of Heaven and taking as many there with them as possible. I thank God for them always!

Filming in our auditorium. Life is always interesting. :)

So many friends, such a short time-- and how awesome was my timing?! Yep! That's right! The Fransons were at Duluth while I was! Nathan was preaching on Mormonism and did such a great job! And yep, I got to see his incredible wife and adorable son. 
And it's not even PTP or MSOP yet!! YAY!

Just a short time back she was with my in MO, now I'm at home with her! Life is good both ways! 

There are so many blessings about going home. 
The time to be refreshed and built back up. It's incredible. 
A precious blessing was had right at the end of the trip. Moma and I went to visit Mrs. Bradshaw. It was so nice to see her beautiful face again. She is such a fantastic woman. It amazes me every time I get to be with her how lady-like she how. How kind. Sweet. Smart and funny. Very much centered on God she is. She is a role model if I ever met one. She is in my prayers as her health is not the best anymore. 
But. Her reward will be the BEST thing ever!! 

Hated to leave, couldn't wait to be back in TN... :)))

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