Friday, August 16, 2013

Aunt Shauna's birthday!

Happy Birthday, Aunt Shauna! 
How is it that a day that brings so much happiness for so many years. can bring so much sadness now? How is it that something so fun to do, is also so emotional? 
It's because you're not with us. 
But you're where we want to be.
Knowing you are there waiting for us makes life mean more-- makes getting to Heaven even more important. The little things matter more.
Family matters. You know that. You show that. 
Sunshine matters. Living in it. Bring ready for what the day brings with a smile, a laugh, a word of encouragement, a hug, a song, a prayer. We CAN do all things through Christ.
It's always a pretty day. And the kiddos love it so much. The balloons all being inside the house is super fun, too. Normally one or two pop before we can let them fly, but, you would just smile and hand them another. That's what we do.
The balloons always seem to stick together. That's what we need to do. Fight through the problems in life and make things work for GOOD. We're not perfect, but we know what IS perfect. I miss you being here, but you would be happy. Really, the way the kiddos are growing, how happy they are, how great Darren is doing with his riding and being a dad, the gorgeous places they get to travel to and all the fun things they get to do. 
Life is good.

"Can't get enough of this everyday love!"
It's the simple things... 

I know your birthday was beautiful. One day, we'll share it with you. 
I love you. 

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