Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tabby's Bridal Shower :)

 We had a very fun, very girlie bridal shower at our house for our sweet Tabby!
Where Cancan and I sat...
 Wasn't it lovely!?!
 The wonderful ladies who put on the party. Everything was perfect.
 hee hee hee BEST PICTURE OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Two sweet, sweet girls. I am so blessed to have them in my life. Thankful to know them now. <3
 Dear friends, beautiful ladies. Inside and out.
Soooooooo many wonderful moments. 
So glad and happy for this new time in life for Tabby and Tyler!

Pray for one another in what you're working towards in life. Big and little. Never underestimate the power of prayer. The help that you can to be to someone through prayer. 

Love and PRAYERS to you all. <3 

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