Thursday, November 22, 2012

KONOS day at our house!

I am thankful that we Homeschool. I am thankful for the time with the kiddos as well as when we get together with our homeschool group.
The past couple months we've been studying all kinds of things about America.
The best thing was that the kiddos got to vote-- Which Ice Cream do you like the best?! It came down to Mint Chocolate Chip and Cookies 'n' Cream. The kiddos were so excited.
Waiting in line... My house full of cute kiddos, wonderful mommies who do so much work at home to teach their kiddos, and the excitement of which ice cream would win out!
Elizabeth handing out the ballots. Poor girl got stitches later in the day, but it was all good right now...
My sweet boy, voting for the first time. He voted for cookies 'n' cream. =D

McKenna voting in the awesome booth. She voted for mint chocolate chip...
Hallie getting ready to vote...
Playing outside together on a perfect fall day in a huge pile of leaves-- AWESOME!

I love our kiddos. And our happy life.
Little man doing his project for the AMERICAN FLAG! Everywhere we drive, he's always on the look out. It's tooooo cute. This was the day of his first report on his own. I was VERY pleased with how well he did. My big boy!
She did a great job studying about the White House. She did a report and drew a picture. She is a cute girl. Getting to stay at home and teach and be with the kiddos, not having to send them off every day is the BEST thing ever. We are SO blessed!!

October/ November AWESOMENESS!

  This year at the Morton's Halloween/Pumpkin Carving day-- we did Dragons-- "How to Train your Dragons" to be exact. =) SOOOO cute!!
  We went Trick or Treating with "Life," a "Moon Princess," a "Banana," and an "Army Man."
My sweet kiddos-- Soccer PLAYERS! Aren't they soooo cute?! Our team was awesome. Ethan's a great coach, and we LOVED having Madison on the same team with the twins and our other friends. A cute group...
I LOVE it when she's goalie. She is SO cute and I LOVE her hair in a ponytail!!

The weather this fall has been incredible. Going to Burr Oaks often has been one of our fun getting to spend time outside and with friends. Our homeschool group is so awesome to be with~ Just LOOK at those cuties holding hands... :)
Beautiful girls, inside and out. <3
Look at that boy. I wish I were HIS nanny--- Oh, wait.... =D
Miss McKenna Anne had learned to ride a bike all on her own. She's fast and LOVES to ride. Riding with Dad and Carter is one of her favorite things.
  Look at that boy-- he is getting SO big.
  McKenna and I went girl shopping with Aunt Chas and Aubrie and Rylee. It was a WONDERFUL day. Dad took Carter to hang, and that was a happy little boy when we met back together to leave the Princess with her dad. MeKenna hopped out of my car and ran straight to dad to tell him all we'd done. Carter hopped out of the car and came right to me to tell me all that he'd done with Dad. It was a special moment. I love these kiddos and their awesome dad!
We went to see the Little Women Play! =) It was so fun!! I am thankful to call these incredible ladies my friends: Jana, Tina, Aunt Chas, and Colby... <3

"My Cup Runneth Over."

Ladies' Day in West Plains! :D

Road trip down to West Plains for a Ladies' Day with Miss Cindy Colley. My Cancan got to go with me, and we were able to see the Coles-- friends of mine from Polishing the Pulpit. It was such a perfect weekend...
These sweet girls, as well as others, were so great. They lead singing for us while we waited for Miss Cindy. Her plane was delayed, but it didn't matter. It all worked out really well.
The Ladies' day in West Plains was so awesome. I was happy to be with a large group of women who were so eager to do what GOD wanted and were so easy-going when there was a long wait for our speaker.
Lys~ Leading singing. She did such an AWESOME job! It has been so neat watching her grow, even though I normally only get to see her once a year. I'm proud of her.
Wonderful lunch and more fellowship time with the ladies from lots of congregations-- including a friend who my friends in the Kansas City area knew... The church makes the world so small.
The cute Lys and the adorable Miss Cindy. Just hangin' out at home... What an awesome time.
We had a BALL exploring the Cole's land. It was an awesome couple hours of being outside. Fall is one of my favorite times of year. And sharing the time with friends was awesome.
Beautiful drive. SO many miles. So many leaves. SO awesome to be with my CanCan!
Success was that way... but really, it was BELLE. Where Grandma and my man were. We had the best weekend EVER! =D

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tabby's Bridal Shower :)

 We had a very fun, very girlie bridal shower at our house for our sweet Tabby!
Where Cancan and I sat...
 Wasn't it lovely!?!
 The wonderful ladies who put on the party. Everything was perfect.
 hee hee hee BEST PICTURE OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Two sweet, sweet girls. I am so blessed to have them in my life. Thankful to know them now. <3
 Dear friends, beautiful ladies. Inside and out.
Soooooooo many wonderful moments. 
So glad and happy for this new time in life for Tabby and Tyler!

Pray for one another in what you're working towards in life. Big and little. Never underestimate the power of prayer. The help that you can to be to someone through prayer. 

Love and PRAYERS to you all. <3 

Roundhouse 2012 and GA weekend!

My sweet little Hannah and Ethan and John at Sunday morning Bible class at Roundhouse. It was a wonderful way to start off the week. It is such a blessing to have so many sweet kiddos all around at RH. So many adorable hugs and kisses and smiles and giggles. Many times of noticing the small things because of the small people I was with. So precious!
MY SISTERS!! Are they not the cutest?! Ohhhhh. I am so happy to have these two in my life!
We went out for birthday lunches for Daddy and Moma on Sunday. That time together was one of my very favorite parts of Roundhouse this year... Oh, I do so miss being with my family all the time. SO many great memories... but many, many great memories have been made since moving and going back home with them, too.
Alyssa, Abigail. Kara, Mary Esther, Christina, Hannah... We are the 3 sets of 12-years-younger twins. :)
I had such wonderful times with many little darlings at Roundhouse. Having Madison, Hallie, and Lucy there... that was just the best. I am thankful for how much closer we have become over the past couple years... They are sweethearts and so so funny!!
The messy, adorable, always in want of a swing, cuddle, gum, and lip gloss HALLIE ANN!
This beautiful baby. I LOVE HER. :) And just sayin'... I'm glad she likes me.
Roundhouse is beautiful. And it is so encouraging. It's a time to focus on the GOOD in life. To be surrounded by Christians who LOVE the Lord. To not see immodesty, to not hear bad words, to have fun just hanging out all together.
One of my favorite places at ROUNDHOUSE!!!
Look how lovely this is!!!! I love this time of year and being outside so much! There was a lot of rain on a couple days, but there's always a way to make it work out anyway. It is just so much fun to be there together. I loved the study on numbers... fun little questions throughout the week and neat crafts and activities. Bible bowl was amazing! It's always neat to see all the little kiddos learning so much through the week.
Out singing times and lessons in the morning and night are some of my very favorite things!!! This is the YAB... where we spend a lot of time. :)
Beauuuuuuuuuutiful night at ROUNDHOUSE. To God be the glory! GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE!

The week went by... and THEN I went home to see my Duluth.

Being back with my sweethearts... OH! Happpppiness. And being with my 
and SISTAAAAAS... OH! It was amazing!! =D 
That weekend was the best part of being gone... BUT the very best part of the whole trip was coming home. Landing in Missouri to hug my Aunt, then to meet up with my sweethearts, cousins, and another aunt... OH! It was the BEST DAY EVER!!!!!