Thursday, November 22, 2012

KONOS day at our house!

I am thankful that we Homeschool. I am thankful for the time with the kiddos as well as when we get together with our homeschool group.
The past couple months we've been studying all kinds of things about America.
The best thing was that the kiddos got to vote-- Which Ice Cream do you like the best?! It came down to Mint Chocolate Chip and Cookies 'n' Cream. The kiddos were so excited.
Waiting in line... My house full of cute kiddos, wonderful mommies who do so much work at home to teach their kiddos, and the excitement of which ice cream would win out!
Elizabeth handing out the ballots. Poor girl got stitches later in the day, but it was all good right now...
My sweet boy, voting for the first time. He voted for cookies 'n' cream. =D

McKenna voting in the awesome booth. She voted for mint chocolate chip...
Hallie getting ready to vote...
Playing outside together on a perfect fall day in a huge pile of leaves-- AWESOME!

I love our kiddos. And our happy life.
Little man doing his project for the AMERICAN FLAG! Everywhere we drive, he's always on the look out. It's tooooo cute. This was the day of his first report on his own. I was VERY pleased with how well he did. My big boy!
She did a great job studying about the White House. She did a report and drew a picture. She is a cute girl. Getting to stay at home and teach and be with the kiddos, not having to send them off every day is the BEST thing ever. We are SO blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. Loved, loved, loved our day!!! What a blessing! Thank you!!! Jana
