Saturday, August 25, 2012


What could be better than having friends?!
Being a friend!!!

And seeing friends you've not seen in almost 2 years!! 

These two couples are so incredible~ they work so hard for the LORD and they are such wonderful examples of how GOD wants husbands and wives to love each other. They make me feel happy and safe. 
Girls... =) =D =)

That day we spent together was wonderful. They are friends who we've never seen in almost 2 years, and yet I felt like I'd never been apart from them. We just picked right back up and had the best time together. Very thankful for the work that they are doing in the mission field in Trinidad. Hearing their mission report was so encouraging and exciting. I miss them, but am looking forward to the day when I'll never again tell them goodbye. Because the time we had with them singing, playing games, laughing, talking, making bracelets, playing music and singing... went by tooooo fast!
During VBS at Chipman, my kiddos and I were able to spend several days with friends from Higginsville. We are so blessed to have such incredible friends to spend time together doing "nothing" and remembering it with such precious thoughts!  
Playing with our Calvin!!!
Bowling with my cousins and my Adelin and Calvin! :)

I love how we're able to share our house, our fun times, our laughs and even our food. God is sooooo good to us all! We had a super wonderful week of VBS. I love my Chipman Road!!
My sweet Madison, during a night at FVBS, lost her first tooth! She was sooo excited about that and showed it/showed it to everyone! She got a BUNCH of quarters or coins
  The beautiful aunt and niece and nephew relationship. =) The Heck family has this DOWN! 
Spoil rotten, while totally supporting parents/Kara's. Everyone on the same page, totally happy. 
Life. Is. GOOD!

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