Wednesday, September 26, 2012

39th Street Lectures 2012

The 39th Street Lectures is a great week. This year I had the kiddos all week while Dad was in CA on a work trip. It was so fun to spend all the time with the sweethearts! This was our "have everything ready the night before so that we can sleep in as late as possible before getting up to be there on time" set up. =)
There are so many kiddos at the lectures. It's so encouraging to see all the other homeschooling families bring their kiddos and teach them what is the most important in life!
These girls are so precious. They are so fun to watch together. They soooooo like one another and also do such a good job taking notes and listening during the lessons. 
They are SUPER cute. SUPER crazy. SUPER cool.
McKenna set the breakfast table one night all on her own thought. SO adorable!!
These pumpkins were FANTASTIC during the lessons! We took school to do every day. We did lots of coloring and playing with stickers. Lots of drawing. Lots of listening, too. Taking kiddos this young to lectures is NOT a waste of time. They heard things during the lessons that they would ask me about. The time is also wonderful because you are training them to sit still, to be good, to listen, to put God first. It is a blessing to our family that 39th Street puts on the lectureship every year!!
These two are SO cute together. It makes me very happy to know they are such good friends...
And don't forget about George. Randy... Moneky he/she. =)
Madison was so excited when she found out that TACO SALAD was on the menu for lunch. She had to go tell Miss Jennifer! Jennifer is sooooo nice and sweet and makes me happy every time I get to be around her. I loved watching Madison talking to her. When grown-ups take that time to make little ones feel important and loved, it is fantastic. This was one of my favorite moments of all of the lectures! They showed in this snapshot what being loving, what being a Christian, is all about. I love you both!!
This dude. He's adorable. He was my buddy through every lesson. I adore him!!!
And this Princess of mine is getting so big. She was one of the big girls. Didn't always sit with me, got her own lunch, picked out her outfits and got ready all on her own. She makes me so proud of her!!
"Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me." 
This week was so encouraging to me! 

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