Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Splendid September!

SO many great and random things happened this month....

Going to the Higginsville Gospel meeting that Papa Dud spoke on-- did SUCH a great job!
Going to Crazy Cone with Lys and the kiddos and friends from Higginsville and being served by our Taylor brothers!
Playing ninjas and wearing matching shirts and getting some major haircuts...
Being with Hallie, the sweetest, cutest, most cuddly Princess in all the world!!!
Jumping on the newly fixed trampoline with Dustin and the girls over the nicest weekend at home ever getting a million and one things done, as well as just having major play and family time with Ash and the girls and JoshMan!
Lovely nights at the park with our great congregation! SO blessed to have some many opportunities for fellowship!
Seeing SUNFLOWERS and SUNSHINE!!! My favorites!!!!
Pretending that we were riding on roller coasters while driving on Z... It's not only fun AT Aunt Debbie's, it's fun GETTING TO Aunt Debbie's! :) And let's just throwing in here, I GOT TO GO TO WORLDS OF FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hearing these two cuties giggle and giggle and BOUNCE when Dustin plays with them on here!! I mean, seriously, there are some things that just make your heart feel totally, completely, wonderfully HAPPY! And THIS. IS. ONE. OF. THOSE. THINGS!!!!!! :D
Ummm. Guys... He's. Really. CUTE. =)
Many playdates with our Burrows and Shepherds and Cozorts and Hecks... LIFE IS GOOD!
Took a walk with my sweet girlie. Just the two of us. Carter Man went to a guys' work day with Dad at the church building. Kenna and I had a wonderful time watching a video together, singing, eating breakfast, and then walking, talking, and holding hands. When your six-year-old reaches to hold your hand and walks with you down the road, it's so cute. When partway through the walk she says, "My hand is getting sweaty... I'm gonna switch to your other side so I can still hold your hand." it's super sweet! :)

There are the sad times, there are the irritating times, there are the hard work times... but they are SO MORE than balanced with the REALLY GREAT TIMES that they can slide down to "whateverness." Focusing on the good is a choice. It makes the world brighter. <3

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