Thursday, May 23, 2013

Candice and Daniel's Wedding May 17, 2013

Bring on Weddddddddding time!!! :))))
The wedding is so soon! SO much to do!!! It was also SO much fun!! I loved getting to spend time out there helping. All my favorite people in one place, beautiful work to do, and the sweetest love and smiles between the new husband and wife. <3
Precious Carter Man.
The one. The only. Kenna Girl.
The gorgeous little flower girls. Aren't their dresses tooooo precious?!
Mom and Daughter Moment. Loved seeing her put the veil on her. MM had everything planned. She was amazing!!
Two of my very favorite people right here-- My Aunt and My Baby Lucy Girl!!
Syd, Aunt Tammy, Lyssa... In other words: The girls I can't wait to come home to see!!
Dad and Daughter. Precious moment!!
Have there ever been sweeter, more gorgeous little girls sitting at the guest table before, I really think not. I adore these little souls so much!!
Mr. and Mrs. :)))) So happy. Such a perfect day. They were adorable together- I am so thankful for their getting to know each other and God making this work so well. Many more prayers for them.
Beautiful new friends, sisters, and friends of mine. Bridesmaids!!
Girls in curls, purple, and who love each other soooooooooo much. :)))
The sweet ring bearer. I think I'd enjoy spending every day with him. He gives GOOD HUGS!
My MD and MM! True Love. :))))
The beautiful Cancan, the gorgeous Omi, these talented, sweet, Godly girls are such good friends and such fun to be with!!
The perfect, yummy cake made by Tina. She's so talented in sooo many ways. Thankful for her friendship and example and encouragement in EVERY day of my life!
And they lived happily ever after.... <3

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

This and that.... with a whole lot of awesomeness.

Flying is something I love to do. McKenna was trying to do it on her own. We had an unplanned playdate with Brooke and the kiddos. Such a nice day. So much laughing. Thankful for good friends!
My precious girl. Growing up way too fast. I love every minute with her.
Who got to take this girl to work?! Yep! That's right. I did. We were woken up by the kiddos, made breakfast, lunch, and snacks, did school and house jobs. A normal day in the life of a stay-at-home family. It was SO much fun to have her there. And we might have done a lot of shooting bows and arrows at kids wearing Darth Vader masks.

Um. This was the funniest game of Twister I've ever played. They all cheated... But. It was still awesome.
Sweetness, happiness, and contentment-- is being loved by McKenna. (And Carter-- who was busy playing legos. :))
A fantastic way to spend a weekend-- at the YOUTH RALLY at 39th Street! The lessons were super encouraging and the topics so helpful. The attendance was good, and the fellowship wonderful. The games were crazy fun and the food yummy. Time with old friends and new friends. I loved every second.
Um, she's adorable. Like. Totally. In all ways. Adorable. I love this girl. So. Much.
Woot woot woot! Another championship!!
Tennis mornings together are always wonderful. Anything we do together is grand. Each one of these girls teaches me something without even trying: love, forgiveness, hope, living in the moment, having patience and love and care for each other, how to dance in the rain, being crazy, screaming and laughing, enjoying the little things. Not missing the moments along the journey. 

Like I said, a whole lot of this and that... and AWESOMENESS. A blessed life filled with happiness.

Alyssa and Jeremy's Wedding

Bean, Boo, and my gorgeous aunt! My awesome traveling companions down to AL for Alyssa and Jeremy's wedding. We drove through the night on Wednesday. Why I didn't get tired then, I don't know, but I drove a long time and sang sooooo much. It was a good trip.
Loved having these sweethearts there for such a fun and special time. 
They make me so happy!! 

So fun to finally meet Kim in person! Her little boys were adorable-- the oldest one was the ring bearer. Carrie Anne was the flower girl-- she found out that night when they came for the rehearsal. It was so fun being a bridesmaid! We had a fun girl party after the rehearsal and the dinner. Good times. :)))
My awesome parents, Father and Mother of the Bride!!!
Brother and Sister. These are two of the coolest people I know!!
Lyssa Lou did my hair. Alyssa Mac made my dress. I know some pretty talented girls names Alyssa, huh?!
The yummy cake-- flowers on top and all the silk flowers made by Alyssa. 
Because. She's awesome.
Aren't they lovely?! I loved them!
Here comes the bride-- with my awesome Daddy. I love that Miss Cleah is in this picture! One of our adopted grandmothers!
It was so sweet having the little ones in the wedding. Carrie Anne stood there holding my hand through the entire wedding. I felt like a princess just having that honor. She is a sweet little doll baby. She is gonna be an amazing woman just like her momma one day!
Mr. and Mrs. <3

The ONE who said they should talk. This lady right here. Should we blame her?! Or thank her?! Maybe BOTH! And btw, could she be prettier, could Alyssa be lovelier, and could Cana be any cuter?! The answer to all of that is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
The whole bunch of us. McAfees and Claunches...
Lyssa, Aunt Tammy, and Syd! Have I mentioned that I LOVE them?! And how cool it was that they came with me?! Especially loved the time of being at Rebecca's (including bathrooms IN the rooms!) and visiting with Amber and JP and family. Christian fellowship= PRICELESS!!
The incredibly beautiful bride and her sisters who adore her BUNCHES!!
Ohhhh how I love this picture! I love these two together! They are adorable!
My Aunt's good at taking pics, did you know!? Yeah, me neither. :))
The gang ALL together for Alyssa's wedding. We've been through a lot together, and will keep on making it through this life together if we will keep our focus on our KING. Alyssa and Jeremy are on a great road. They love each other so much. Making time for each other, taking care of each other, teasing, and pleasing each other. But... Most of all. 
They care about please God, loving HIM. They are a beautiful example of what a Godly couple should be. 

God. Bless. You. Always. Happy Wedding!!! <3

Saturday, May 11, 2013

March/ April

And so begins the spring and summer of weddingness in my life. All of the wedding are very special. Dear friends I've known forever, newer friends who have come into my life and will be there forever... But... Most importantly. This beautiful girl. Alyssa Danielle McAfee. <3 My big sister, my hero.
I was so happy to be able to go to GA for half a week to follow her around like a puppy. It was SO MUCH FUN! I miss out on some things living so far away, but I was able to help out then and loved every minute of being at home, seeing how happy she was, being impressed (though not surprised) at how organized she was, loving watching her making our dresses, seeing her dress in person...
Alyssa and Christina. My incredibly wonderful, talented, and beautiful sisters. All I want is for us to live our lives for GOD and go to heaven together. We sure do have fun here on earth together. These two know me so well, make me laugh and smile and cry easier than probably anyone, other than maybe Ken and Carter Man... They are always there to talk to and get help from. I'm SO blessed to have been born right in-between these two!
The girl gang. Together again!! THIS. WAS. A. GOOD. DAY! And next year, when we do this for our Asha girl, we'll be together again, Lord willing. :)))
The wonderful older brother I always knew I wanted. =D and his lovely bride. <3
It was so fun to be in GA, and also so fun to come back home to MO to get a month of school and play and work done before I hit the road back to AL for the wedding... but more about the wedding in the next blog. Oh, do I have pictures for YOU!
Our wonderful KONOS day at Jana and Jenna's. One of my favorite studies! All about explorers!
Another trip... just like that I was from GA to MO, then from MO to TN... Not much time to breath between trips, but nice to catch up on some hugs. Being back in Memphis for the lectureship was wonderful. Every year I think it can't get any better and then it DOES! Such encouragement is given to me at Forest Hill. These two pretty sisters of mine, and sooooo many other friends to hug and talk to and walk with and laugh with.... And riding down there with my Barrett sisters and brother. NICE!
All I can say is, YOU SHOULD HEAR US SING! 
And I'm sure it's nothing compared to what it will be like in HEAVEN, but whoa... 
It's beautiful!!
Guess who was SUPER happy to be home and have these two within arm's reach again!? 
Yep. It would be that girl in the middle. Look at how cute they are!!

Sweet kiddos hanging outside in the garden, just lovin' life....
Somebody turned ONE!! How is this little pumpkin a year already?! She lights up our lives! So much personality in this teeny tiny body. I love her to bits!
We shared an incredible day with Ashley Washley and the girls for Easter. We decorated cupcakes and had an egg hunt, read books, played, talked, and giggled several times over the adorableness of Hallie's outfit... hee hee
This little sweetheart has grown sooo much. When I moved here, Rylee was wearing that shirt... then Kenna... and how our Madison... Make sure to hug and kiss and LISTEN to these cuties as they are growing up so quickly. They need us as parents and friends to give them their TIME more than THINGS. Make memories with them doing nothing... it will mean everything to them one day.
COOOOOOOL homeschool fieldtrip day to Fort Osage! Loved it there. Thanks to Shari Goring for finding awesome places to our group to go, and thanks to our entire homeschool group-- including the dads, for being so fun to learn with!

These days flew by... hearing about Alyssa's wedding preparations, watching and helping and enjoying all of Cancan's wedding preparations, Jill and Caleb, too! SO many weddings... Thankful for all these couples finding each other and prayerful for them as they begin new lives together.