Friday, May 10, 2013

January/ February

I know.. I know.. I'm terrible. It's MAY, and I've not written since Christmas. We have not fallen off the face of the planet. Actually, if anything, we've just gotten busier than the last time I wrote...
Not any less adorably cute. Not any less life full of love... Not any less super blessed and happy.
We have tennis lessons every Monday morning. We get to eat lunch with Dad. We spend time with Aubrie, Rylee, and Aunt Chas. It's an incredible way to star our week. The kiddos are getting really great at it, too! So fun to watch. So love the time with Aunt Chas to talk and laugh together over the funny faces of these 4 precious kiddos faces!
I live with the Nollers now. Loved living with the Hecks. Love living with the Nollers. These are our awesome sweaters from Christmas. That's my cute Bean. :))
Basketball kept us busy through the winter. McKenna started on fire and kept it all season. Carter had a little harder of a time. He's such a little guy. He would stand in his spot... and walk up and down the court. The last game of the season, though, he dribbled down the court and I promise you, I've never cheered so loudly. It is always fun to have Ethan and Brooke as our coaches, they are SO good. We always love playing with Cooper and Ryley, and this time we also got to have Wyatt on our team and enter awesome Williams family as we got their 3rd son on our team, too! FUN games!
Ummmm. These kiddos are the craziest, coolest, most FUN to spend the day with ever. 
I'll keep my job. Thank you. 
No need to get a "real" job and make big bucks to feel like I'm reaching my highest potential in life. 
Nope. Just hugs from these darlings make my whole world.
 Looking for prettier girls? You won't find them. 
Looking for more talented girls? You won't find them.
Looking for sweeter girls? You won't find them. 
They are just pure goodness itself. Thankful to have them as my friends!

No front teeth, and paint everything. McKenna LOVED our month of studying about art!

Such a cutie-- and learning so much. I just love to look back at how little they were, and how much they have grown, but it also makes me sad that they aren't just little, little kiddos anymore. I send my big girl in to make the three of us lunch several times a week. Both kiddos shower all on their own now. HOW did they get sooo big?!
Ashley and the girls came over for a SUPER fun day of making Valentine boxes. What a good time we had talking, laughing, decorating, making a MESS, eating, and enjoying being together. Little one took a good long nap and we took a lot of pictures of these crazy cuties. What a blessing to have cousins that live near by, who are Christians, who you just cannot wait to spend time with!? Sad that Carter Man ended up being sick on the night of our homeschool gtg for Valentine's. It worked out alright, though, because Little Lady got to go to the hs gtg all alone-- Miss Grown Up. And Little Man and I had cuddle and a movie night at Aunt Tammy's. Good memories all 'round.
And speaking of some good memories... THIS might have been one of the best nights of all time. WHEN did I laugh this hard ever before?!?! LOOOOOOVE these girls. LOVE big breakfast for supper. LOVE PJ pants. LOVE Princess Bride. Just LOVE our life!!
Annnnnnnd SNOW. And this little bitty face in Dad's hunting hat. We loved playing in the snow. Sledding with this dude was hilarious to watch and a blast!
Snowed in at this place? With these people?! Only the biggest YES you can imagine!!!!!
There are so many times when I just lose it laughing because of this little lady. This fun night spending the evening and sleeping over at Tina's was perfect. And FULL of laughter.
This is the biggest snowman the kiddos and I have been able to make together. There was snow everywhere. If we'd had more time, we could have made 25 of them! Is she not the cutest little thing?! 
Fun outside, fun inside. It's always fun when your focus is on God, living for HIM, and playing with these two. Lots of hot chocolate and reading and cuddles during the winter. It really flew by...
This just might be the best winter of my life. I LOVE SNOW!

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