Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Alyssa and Jeremy's Wedding

Bean, Boo, and my gorgeous aunt! My awesome traveling companions down to AL for Alyssa and Jeremy's wedding. We drove through the night on Wednesday. Why I didn't get tired then, I don't know, but I drove a long time and sang sooooo much. It was a good trip.
Loved having these sweethearts there for such a fun and special time. 
They make me so happy!! 

So fun to finally meet Kim in person! Her little boys were adorable-- the oldest one was the ring bearer. Carrie Anne was the flower girl-- she found out that night when they came for the rehearsal. It was so fun being a bridesmaid! We had a fun girl party after the rehearsal and the dinner. Good times. :)))
My awesome parents, Father and Mother of the Bride!!!
Brother and Sister. These are two of the coolest people I know!!
Lyssa Lou did my hair. Alyssa Mac made my dress. I know some pretty talented girls names Alyssa, huh?!
The yummy cake-- flowers on top and all the silk flowers made by Alyssa. 
Because. She's awesome.
Aren't they lovely?! I loved them!
Here comes the bride-- with my awesome Daddy. I love that Miss Cleah is in this picture! One of our adopted grandmothers!
It was so sweet having the little ones in the wedding. Carrie Anne stood there holding my hand through the entire wedding. I felt like a princess just having that honor. She is a sweet little doll baby. She is gonna be an amazing woman just like her momma one day!
Mr. and Mrs. <3

The ONE who said they should talk. This lady right here. Should we blame her?! Or thank her?! Maybe BOTH! And btw, could she be prettier, could Alyssa be lovelier, and could Cana be any cuter?! The answer to all of that is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
The whole bunch of us. McAfees and Claunches...
Lyssa, Aunt Tammy, and Syd! Have I mentioned that I LOVE them?! And how cool it was that they came with me?! Especially loved the time of being at Rebecca's (including bathrooms IN the rooms!) and visiting with Amber and JP and family. Christian fellowship= PRICELESS!!
The incredibly beautiful bride and her sisters who adore her BUNCHES!!
Ohhhh how I love this picture! I love these two together! They are adorable!
My Aunt's good at taking pics, did you know!? Yeah, me neither. :))
The gang ALL together for Alyssa's wedding. We've been through a lot together, and will keep on making it through this life together if we will keep our focus on our KING. Alyssa and Jeremy are on a great road. They love each other so much. Making time for each other, taking care of each other, teasing, and pleasing each other. But... Most of all. 
They care about please God, loving HIM. They are a beautiful example of what a Godly couple should be. 

God. Bless. You. Always. Happy Wedding!!! <3

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