Saturday, July 27, 2013

Carter Boyd's 5th Birthday!

Precious boy! How can it be that you are now 5 years old!?!?!

You are sunshine itself, and I just adore every minute that I get to spend with you.

Major. Heart. Melter. Right. Here. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You and your sister are best friends. Super crazy partners in crime/ favorite playmates. Listening to the things you come up with while you're playing or just riding along in the car is soooo funny!!

Thank you for loving me so much. You kiss me good morning each day, you bring me flowers, your hug me all the time. You come running into the kitchen just to tell me that you love me. When I wear my hair in pigtails, you always tell me how pretty I am. You know how to make a girl feel good!!

This was YOUR food choice on your birthday... after having scrambled eggs for breakfast! YUM!

One of my favorite moments of YOUR day was when you got to show Dad your new bedroom-- you'd not be allowed in there for a couple days... we cleaned and rearranged and put up new pictures and posters and made your little lego area. YOU WERE SO EXCITED. :)

Your awesome eye patch from Lynn. And you sure did enjoy that yummy chocolate!!!

"Yep. I'm a big guy... THIS is my room." :)

The C Man got a new lamp, new legos, a rug to sit on while playing legos... and Cars stickers on the wall. He was a happy camper!

That moment when you give a little boy an entire package of oreos for his birthday... and his eyes light up... and his older sister is sitting right next to him and says... "I know those are yours for your birthday... but if you wanted to share a couple... I like oreos a lot... and I am sitting right here..."

Precious boy, stubborn boy, but ohhhhh such a sweeeeeetheart you have. :))

Do you think I could live without you? Do you think anyone who knows you will ever be able to say your name without smiling? Do you know how adorable your chin dimple is?! YOU ARE AWESOME! Keep on loving life and caring about others... 
I love to see what you know about God. 
I love you more than anything little man... Happy Birthday!

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