Sunday, July 7, 2013

Summer Fun~ June :)

SOOOOO fun to spend some time out at CAMP! :)))
Thankful for good friends that help us to know we're cared for. Who help us to be better workers for the Lord. It's so good to know there are sweet Christian friends who are always there for us.
On a fun trip to Memphis for VBS at Forest Hill with my awesome family there with THIS boy!!
And THIS girl!!
Stopped over at the ARCH in St. Louis for lunch with Alisha ... :) Super good car trip!
GREER! And McKenna!
The sweet Owens girls and KenKen!
Equally awesome trip home stopping at Mammoth Springs!! :))
FUN roadtrip to Oklahoma with the Nollers with Elite-- It was BEAUTIFUL. And LAZY. And I got to swim and run every day. And drive on crazy toll roads. And hear a new CD that I LOVE.
THIS GIRL. Is adorable.
And THIS GIRL... made the trip awesome. As well as my new little friends.
Sydney's BIGGEST fans. :))
Um. I loooooooooooooove these kiddos. Spent a good day at Science City. And just love spending so much time with them on a daily basis.
These girls are so awesome~ they did a good job through hard times, kept pushing on, and reached their goals. Happy graduation girls!! 

This summer has been a good time. It's been a hard time. It's been a growing and stretching time for me. Challenging me to look beyond myself and be the person God wants me to be... instead of living for self. It's meant several apologies have had to be made. But. At the end of this... I'm hoping to be so much more where GOD wants me to be. Not where PEOPLE will be happy with me. But HIM. The ONE that matters.

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