Saturday, July 27, 2013

LLBC Summer 2013

I loved everything about camp. I loved the friends. All the friends. So many groups that were always together. And yet, always so friendly to others. Just such a happy place to be.
Camp has it all... sports, crafts, meals, work, chapel, swimming, lessons, devos, singing, evening activities... and soooo much more!
The time I was able to spend with Ken and Carter during this week was precious. I adore them! And ohhhhh how this little girls loves camp. They are so at home here...
My twin! My Asha!! She came to camp for the week. It. was. ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmazing!!! We had so much fun talking, working, and laughing. Swimming, being with friends (almost ALL new friends for Tash)... and growing closer to GOD. I was so impressed with my dear friend of 17 years! She just jumped right in and did anything. She was friends with so many in such a short time. It was beautiful to watch. I love her very much!!!
Sweetest, cutest, most adorable little cousins. I soooooo love these girls. Even though they look WAY TOO GROWN UP!!!!
Chapel each night is super encouraging. As is Cabin study, Swim lesson, and campfire. What an enriching week of Bible Study. This year, all on the ONES! 
Precious cousins. :) I love how they love each other.
Crazy, awesome, fun friends. :)) life is just good at camp.
And sooooooooooooooooooooo much laughing. So fun. :)) It was great to be able to spend time with visitors who came out at night, too, and to share the pictures and fun stories of camp with those at home... sending mail-- and def getting mail!-- is one of my very favorite parts of camp. So personal. So fun!!!
Girls who I love... who have made me who I am... who push me to do better... I love them!! I loved each and every cook, handyman, director, counselor... the staff was just incredible. To know that anything at all we needed we could figure out together. Everyone was so hardworking. So willing to do whatever was needed. The lessons had been studied for and meant to help us. The fun that was had at camp was all GOOD, CLEAN fun. Being a Christian is a joy, not always easy, but ALWAYS worth it.
One very cute date here, don't you think?!?! :)))

Camp came and went too quickly. But the memories are fantastic. And the encouragement very really. Looking forward to more times together soon. Thank you GOD, for our blessings of salvation and CHRISTIAN FRIENDS!!!!

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